Friday, October 7, 2011

Weekly Roundup 4 (A Whole Month!)

Wow! I have been here over a month, and in classes for a month. Time is going by so fast. And since I am on a ten week trimester system, I am 40% done with my term.
Anyways, here is the weekly roundup!

5 Best Things This Week:
1) I kicked ass on my Spanish Exam today
2) I joined a new club called Blessings in a Backpack. Basically, they fill backpacks with food for kids who don't get enough to eat over the weekend, so they have food in their belly when school starts again on Monday.
3) I got back a bunch of labs and found that I have an A average
4) I overcame (mostly...) my issues with talking to college guys
5) I helped my friend move dorms and got to eat pizza

5 Worst Things This Week:
1) I had a 3 hour bio lab in the woods, where I had to wear jeans on a hot day so I wouldn't be affected by the poison ivy
2) I had an 8 hour dehydration headache, even with drinking as many liquids as I could
3) I got up at 6:45 yesterday (Um. Ew.)
4) I've been half-assing my APO involvement.
5) I was declined at the ATM because I was too poor to take both my money and pay the ATM fee.

Most Embarrassing Moment:
At Blessings, I barely said a word because I was too shy around a certain person. It sucks, because I like talking and being friendly, but I can actually be unbearably shy sometimes...

Words of Wisdom:
Take care of yourself. My senior year, my mom took me to see my doctor because I kept getting sick like every three weeks. I was tested for mono, hepatitis, anemia, all those things that cause fatigue and sickness. Well, I had a clean bill of health, so the doctor just diagnosed me with "Being a Uni Student". I kid you not. Now I am in college and I am in charge of myself and my well-being. It can be easy to get carried away with trying to be involved in everything, to try to go to every party, to finish all your homework, that you can burn yourself out. Remember to slow down, to say no to things if you feel stretched thin, and get some sleep. Drink plenty of liquids, go outside and lie on the grass, and accept the fact that no one can do it all.

3 Most Essential Items This Week:
1) Shorts. We had an Indian summer here in G-Burg. Pack a mixture of clothes, because weather can be tempermental. You can always look at the Farmers Almanac or weather services too, for the area that your college is in and pack accordingly.
2) Study Buddies. Studying with people can be so helpful, especially for classes that involve discussing concepts, languages, etc. I have a study buddy for Spanish!
3) Water Bottles. It's easy to get dehydrated in college because you're always going from building to building, or back to your dorm. Remember to drink liquids beyond the two or three times you are in the cafeteria per day. I have a aluminum water bottle that is really nice, and I fill it with water and put it in our room fridge :]

Best Food Item in the Caf:
I had the tiramisu this week. Enough said. Moving on, if moving on from such a beautiful experience is at all possible.

Plans for the Weekend:
Tonight, I am going on a mother-flipping Scavenger Hunt with APO!! Then tomorrow I am doing a prospective lunch (taking a potential applicant to lunch during their visit pretty much). In the afternoon I will be volunteering at a dinner from 3:45 until like...9:30. Sunday my suite and I are preparing for Halloween as a suite! So, busy, busy here in good ol' Galesburg.

And that's another week, brought to you by Celinda Davis!

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