Sunday, February 12, 2012

Weekly Roundup 5????

Well shoot everyone. WHITNEY HOUSTON DIED :'[

And...we move on.

5 Best Things This Week:
1) Went to this AMAZING education talk
2) Boys and Girls Club was fun this week
3) I went out this weekend, and I.Looked.Good.
4) School and Society was canceled on Friday
5) I got a package AND a letter Friday

5 Worst Things This Week:
1) I had a headache all Monday, which made me pissy
2) I barely slept this week because I would stay up talking
3) I continue to be awkward around a few boys to the point that it is pissing me off
4) I had two writing assignments this weekend
5) I didn't get to eat dinner in the cafeteria Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday...

Most Embarrassing Moment This Week:
Can I just nominate my life? Just today when I had really long awkward eye contact with a guy known to me as Tiramisu guy....

Words of Wisdom:
In college, and in life, you will have to make choices. The worst part is, the choices won't be black and white, clearly good or bad choices but rather gray area choices. Choices that have pros and cons, good AND bad to them. For example, last night, I was trying to decide if I would go out, or if I would stay home and study/sleep. Both had good parts and bad parts. Remember, there really isn't a wrong choice. It's more about which you will regret not choosing. A good way to figure out what you really want to do is flip a coin. As the coin is spinning, you will know what you want it to land on, and you will know your answer :]

3 Most Essential Items This Week:
1) Loose cash. I had to buy little items that were only a couple of dollars, and it helped that I had cash money in my wallet, instead of JUST my debit card (I still believe a debit card is essential though).
2) A calendar of sorts. I put things in my phone and put alarms to them. Life can be just so busy, especially with the weird college schedules, that having a calendar will save you a headache.
3) A cute item in every color. Sorry this is less on topic for you guys, but for REALZ. I don't own any cute pink items (probably because I hate pink), but I needed to wear pink on Saturday night for a party. Life is so difficult....

Most Interesting Discovery This Week:
Academic: The Catholic church went through some reform--known as Vatican II--in the 1960s in order to keep up with modern developments.
Social: Sigma Nu is where it's at :D

Best Food Item in the Caf:
Nom nom nom nom fiesta tortilla chicken soup

My Weekend:
Party all day, everyday :D Friday night, we went to the Anti-Valentines Day Dance which was for Post girls and Seymour guys (both single gender dorms). Well, imagine a Uni dance, and imagine it is not the Howdy Hop, Homecoming, Winter Formal, or Prom. If you can guess, we left pretty soon. We went and played Just Dance  (seriously guys, I'm getting really good at that game). Afterward, we went to Sigma Nu's party, which was super fun. ALSO, did I mention I was wearing the hottest little red dress? Friday night was my night :]
Saturday I woke up at the ungodly hour of 9 AM, after going to bed at 3 AM...anyway, I went and volunteered at Galesburg's Chocolate Festival (Imagine a buffet of everything chocolate. Now, you know my reality :D). After that, I did a bit of hw. After dinner, I went over to my friend's dorm, got ready, and went to her Music Sorority's Awkward Prom, which was crazy fun (I got to dance awkwardly :D). THEN, my friends and I decided to go to not one, but TWO frat parties. I know, we're crazy. We went to TKE, which had a cool theme--they were raising money for Breast Cancer, so they were TKE Pink. We were there for a while, but this girl was harassing my friend and I, trying to get us to dance with these two guys, and we also wanted to check out Sigma Chi's party, so we left (but, TKE was fun, don't get me wrong). Anyway, Sigma Chi's party was pretty fun too, but there were drunk girls yelling at the top of their lungs so that no one could hear the music :P. Around 1, we went back to the suite, got in pjs, and giggled/talked as us girls sometimes do.
Today was hw/laundry day, nothing too exciting. I am going to chapter tonight for APO though, and it'll be fun because the pledges are going to get their Bigs! :]

PHEW (Typers Cramp!)

Much Love,

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