Monday, February 27, 2012

Weekly Roundup 7

This is my last full week of classes.

I know, it's pretty crazy.

Anyway, sorry this is late, to blogging!

5 Best Things This Week
1) I went from 2 hours of Membership to 7.5 hours this week
2) A+ on my second reworked blog!
3) I went to see Twelfth Night :]
4) I got to watch Waiting for Superman in School and Society this week
5) My computer got fixed!!

5 Worst Things This Week:
1) My Spanish test was really hard :/
2) I am trying desperately to get hours in for School and Society and APO :[
3) I've been either spastic or moody most of this week
4) I ended up not going on the field trip Thursday for my religion class
5) There was no Boys and Girls Club this week

Most Embarrassing Moment This Week:
Hm. To narrow it down...yeah, not possible. Just, you know, me.

Words of Wisdom:
If you  have things with hour requirements--whether that be for service, study hours, etc.--try to spread them out. Nothing makes the end of a term more stressful than trying desperately to complete hours for things. So...SPREAD IT OUT!

3 Most Essential Items This Week:
1) Computer disks and a flashdrive. Back up important documents and bring all computer disks (software and fixer upper disks).
2) Medicine. I've said it before, but bring medicine, you never know when you will get sick.
3) I'm tired of this term guys. I don't know. Bring lots of cozy blankets for the "UGH, WORLD" naps you're gonna take.

Most Interesting Discovery This Week:
Academic: Muslims have a book of Law called the Hadith, which is similar to the Halakah of Judaism.
Social: Twelfth Night is a funny play Mr. Shakespeare :D

Best Food Item in the Caf:
Toasted and buttered bagels from the Gizmo, our burger place

My Weekend:
Friday I had an APO dinner, I went to the play Twelfth Night with APO, and then I went to the APO Membership event. A very APO night :] Saturday I slept in, then went to lunch, then took a nap, then did some hw, then went to dinner, and then I ushered for Twelfth Night. Sunday I did laundry, ate lunch, skyped with Jenny and Chris, did hw, went to dinner, did more hw (, and then went to APO chapter!

Another week! Next weekend is my LAST weekly roundup of WINTER TERM!!

Much Love,

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