Sunday, February 19, 2012

Weekly Roundup 6

I have two weeks and two days left before finals. Wut.

Anyway, blogging time!

5 Best Things This Week:
1) My Spanish professor encouraged me to stay in Spanish and travel abroad, because she thinks I am doing really well this term!
2) I had one of those amazing, "everyone is deep and thoughtful" groups in School and Society Friday :D
3) All my immediate family came to visit me!
4) My mustache necklace came this week
5) I got to talk to Lisa Micele!

5 Worst Things This Week:
1) My computer got a hugeee virus, rendering it unusable until I wipe the Operating System completely :[
2) I am super behind in Membership hours for APO, which is kinda panic-inducing
3) I was super tired and moody Friday night
4) I feel like I never sleep ever
5) A kinda sucky Valentine's Day :/

Most Embarrassing Moment This Week:
LOL. So I was trying to call Lisa on Thursday, as I was leaving the Caf. Now, a thing about me, I tend to wander about when I am on the phone. So, I was looking down at my phone, messing with it, not aware that I had wandered to the middle of the grassy part of the quads in front of the giant window of the Caf. Not even on the phone, but looking down at the phone. Not even on the sidewalk, but on the grassy field. While I am looking like a fool, this guy I kinda like and his entire suite walk by, looking at me like "WTF?". Needless to say, not one of my best moments.

Words of Wisdom:
Sleep. You need to know when to quit and go to bed. You might be having fun, you might be trying to have fun, you might have a ton of homework, you might be stressed. But all of those things will be affected if you don't stop yourself and get some sleep in you. I was asleep by 11 last night. On a Saturday. Make fun all you want, but I was tired and I need to recharge. Your body isn't meant for you to beat it up. Go. To. Sleep. If you need a reminder, here ya go lol

3 Most Essential Items This Week:
1) Gum! It can help with focus, breath smell control, and apparently for me, keeping me awake so I finish my School and Society reading
2) A Computer Nerd. And I say that with the utmost respect, reverence, and awe for people who have the ability to fiddle with computers. As an add-on, bring all your CDs that come with your computer to school
3) Absurd, uselessinthegrandschemeofitall Items. Like a mustache necklace. Seriously guys, this is the coolest thing I have bought.

Most Interesting Discovery This Week:
Academic: I now know what Charter Schools actually are! They're like a public/private school love child :D
Social: Go to performances on campus! Comedy shows, theater performances, concerts. It's fun to engage your mind and have a blast.

Best Food Item in the Caf:
Hash browns. I went back for seconds. I really want more. Hash browns. So much in those two words :D

My Weekend:
Okay, I am getting typer's cramp again, so here it is in bullet form!

-Walmart run
-Baking for Blessings in a Backpack
-Improv show
-Ride on Gator/golf cart thing
-Knox's Bday party-->tired and moody at, left early

-Woke up at 9
-A bit o' homework
-Lunch Hosting with prospective
-Lunch with Daddy and stepmom
-Hanging out with Daddy and stepmom
-They left, Mommy, sister, and poodle came
-Walking around campus with my Big sibling in APO and family
-Max my poodle is a chick magnet LOLZ
-Return to suite and chill

-Woke up at 8:20<--WHYYYY

Later Today:
-Suite meeting
-APO chapter

Catch you laters, alligators!
Celinda Davis

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