Thursday, August 9, 2012

College Bucket List

Alrighty, so that was a thoroughly depressing blog I wrote earlier this week! I don't want you to think that I had an awful time at college. In fact, I had a lot of great times too, and I can't wait to continue my adventures this fall. In that vein, I wanted to present you a Freshman Bucket List, or at least a college one if you want to space out the awesome. You don't have to agree with all of them, just the SPIRIT of them. Also, don't feel confined to my list. Venture off the beaten Celinda track.

Read. Perform. Enjoy.

1) Talk Up a Random Stranger
You will meet a lot of people, so this doesn't seem like much of a challenge. But I mean for this to be AFTER orientation. I mean for you to plop down next to someone you've never met, and pursue a conversation. You might be surprised how interesting it can be.

2) Dance in the Rain
If you haven't already done this in life, then shame on you. But, here is your chance to redeem yourself! One day, when it is gloomy and rainy, go dance. There is something thrilling about throwing your arms up and letting the rain fall as you spin around.

3) Take a Class Completely Outside Your Major and Graduation Requirements
You should take a class for the hell of it. Take a class because it sounds FUN (what a concept for Uni kids) or nerve-wracking, or new. There's a completely different feel to a class when it doesn't feel required or necessary.

4) Eat Ice Cream for Dinner
No one is around to say no, so you can go out and party and drink and stay out all night. I'm not saying anything on all of that. But, you should also eat a big bowl of ice cream, because you can and no one is going to tell you no, it's not nutritious.

5) Take a Chance on Something
Think about something you wouldn't do, or say, because of the risks. Ignore the risks and do it anyway.

6) Watch the Sunrise from the Most Important Place on Campus
Whether it's the Alma Mater or Old Main, watch the sunrise. I hate mornings, but there is something almost peaceful and hopeful about watching the dawn break, and a new day is open to a world of possibilities.

7) Go All Out
Whether it's a volunteering gig, a concert, a game, or a regular day, party like it's 1999. Wear all the colors, talk loud, think loud. Cheer. Get too excited about it.

8) Go Out at Least Once
You can decide what happens on that night to remember (as long as it isn't the real world Hangover), but have at it. College is about the memories.

9) Learn to Say No
If you're like me, you might agree to do too many things, or might cave in to someone who hasn't been very kind. Stand up and say no. This is your life, and your life solely as an individual (the person you're going to be for the rest of your life) is being formed right now. So, be strong.

10) Accept Your Mistakes
They happen dearest Uni kids. And they are going to happen a whole lot in college. Big ones, little ones, personal ones, professional ones. If you hurt someone or upset something, apologize or fix it. If not, learn from it but don't sweat it. I can promise you only one thing: mistakes never cease, so don't let them control you.

11) Fall In Love
Fall in love, whether it is with an idea, a person, a food, a friendship. Let go and plunge in love. It might hurt you, but it is better to have felt something, to dream of something, than to go through life knowing you never took the chance.

12) Consider a Club You Wouldn't Have
You might feel like you have yourself pretty figured out. Or you might not, and I am making gross assumptions about your character. Either way, I implore you to really look into the clubs your school offers. You might find one of them to be exactly what you're looking for.

13) Explore Your College Town
Leave campus. Do it. DO IT. Whether you live in a one horse town or a sprawling metropolis, go out and explore the town your college is situated in. Find little cafes or family owned stores. Find the charm, outside of your school. Make friends, develop "the usuals", and escape the bubble, even for a bit.

But remember the most important thing. It's been said that life is not about finding yourself. The brochures lie, you aren't going to college to find yourself. If you were lost, we'd be in a metaphysical nightmare. No, you are creating yourself. Create someone who is daring, and smart, and funny, and interesting, and open, and generous, and most of all, kind. Be the kind of person you would want to be friends with. Be the person you could trust with your most guarded secrets. Be the person that either has the answer, or could help look for it. Be the person who is willing to try new things and to take risks. Most of all, be the person who anyone can depend upon, when times get rough.

Good luck, my adventurers :D

Much Love,

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