Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Farewell :'[

I don't actually know how to start this blog.
See, this is my last blog.

For the past two years I have been writing college related blogs. I was fortunate in having this second blog to write after I graduated Uni. I love talking and writing and pondering. I love people, and the infinite ways they disappoint, inspire, and interest me. I love learning, and how Knowledge is Power. I love the idea that sitting here, in my room, I can be talking to people as close as down the street and as far away as Bangladesh.

However, I'm going to be a Sophomore in college now. I didn't really notice the passage of time until the other day, when I helped train the new College Corner bloggers. It suddenly hit me that they were sophomores when I graduated high school. And now they would be the senior class. They would have a senior shirt, a senior prom, a senior trip. They would have a graduation of their very own. And soon enough, the freshmen of my graduating year will be seniors, then the subbies, and then a class of students I never knew.

This brought me here, to this very bittersweet moment. I've looked back over the countless blogs I've done in the past two years. I've seen myself emerge. I've had a few moments where I've touched the lives of other people, and for that I am truly humbled. I also had quite a lot of fun along the way. Really, I had a blast!

But, like all things in life, there is an end.

I'm sitting here, crying, because I have had the privilege to make something lasting and wonderful. I'm crying because it ends. It's like when I finish a good novel. It pulls me in, makes me care about the characters, their feelings and actions, and most importantly, I care about what happens to them. And no matter how satisfying, or interesting, or promising the ending, I can't help but feel adrift and hurt. I am wrenched from the world of the book, and for a time it saddens me.

Yet, it never stops me from reaching for another book. Just like in life, even when hearts break or people die or hurt you or graduations happen or you move or you change careers, it never stops you from living LIFE. From reaching out and experiencing, growing, loving, laughing, learning, losing, hoping, dreaming, wishing, trying, living.

I know I sound melodramatic, but these two blogs, College Corner and Accepted, have been a large part of my life for the past two years. Indeed, they both document and shape how much I have changed.

I guess what scares me the most is that time never stops, and that I knew there would come a time when I would hang up my blogger cap. Who knows if I will ever stop blogging (or talking in general). I have some ideas, I have a volunteer blog that's been feeling a little neglected. But, I am officially done with Uni college blogging.

No, there will be no third installment, I promise. I will slip quietly (or, less than loudly) into my Sophomore year of college. I will not blog about it. I will status update on Facebook OF COURSE, but no blogging. I will begin to think of this blog as a past part of my life. I will begin to think of Uni as what it truly is, my alma mater. I will say goodbye to this, and my previous blog, even though it is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. Because, these blogs are very much a part of me, and losing a bit of self is always heartbreaking.

I've been so lucky, to be given a voice, by Lisa, by Uni. I had such joy, and pain, but always pride in being able to help. I wish all Uni kids, now and 20 years from now, HAPPINESS. Because that sometimes can be elusive for Uni kids. Find happiness. Enjoy your five years. And best of luck afterwards, when you find yourself in the world post-Uni.

Time, and myself, march on.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart,
*crying a bit*
Much Love,

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